Fear of Being Alone
Magazine Illustration
This piece was made to go along with a magazine article about the fear of being alone. The piece is a vector illustration made in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The main illustration was done in Illustrator including the character and the umbrellas then exported to Photoshop to create the rain, lighting, and asphalt effects. The color palette was kept mainly grayscale to convey a dreary feeling.
The fear of being alone illustration was done in both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. First, I started with many pencil sketches that went to critique. The umbrella sketches though simple were decided to be the most unique and moody. After that, I went to Adobe Illustrator. Using reference photos, I created one umbrella and duplicated it many times. I also created the figure with the help of reference photos. My first layout of the umbrellas was decided to be too crowded, so I went into Adobe Illustrator and changed the layout and frequency of the umbrellas. Then I went into Photoshop and made the asphalt texture. I also played with lighting and rain effects in Photoshop.
Below you can see some of my sketches and mock-ups from this project.